We're bursting with pride for adoreu baby! What began as a humble pop-up in 2021, initially planned for just two months, has blossomed into so much more. Our vision was simple: to offer Launceston locals a haven for all things baby-related. We started with showcasing our own brand, adoreu baby, and welcomed other local makers into the fold.

But our dream didn't stop there. We envisioned a larger space, a one-stop destination where families could find everything they need without the hassle of traveling or relying solely on online shopping. In January 2023, that dream became a reality as we expanded into a spacious new location. Now, we're thrilled to offer an extensive range of nursery furniture, prams, car seats, and all the essentials for growing families.

At adoreu baby, we're not just about transactions; we're about connections. We cherish the opportunity to be part of your pregnancy and parenting journey, building lasting relationships with our customers along the way.

Creating a welcoming environment is paramount to us. That's why we've ensured our store is a comfortable, safe space where parents can feed their little ones and find a dedicated baby change area.

Teaming up with The Bubble Launceston, we co-hosted the hugely successful "All About Babies Expo" in 2021, a fantastic event for both new and expecting parents.

Now nestled at 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston, with convenient customer parking right at our doorstep, we eagerly await the chance to welcome you into our store. See you soon!

